About Trusts & Foundations 信託(トラスト)&財団について
If we decentralise between parents and children ...
If this parable were to be explained in terms of 'diversification', it would be 'ownership diversification'. Just as there is 'stock diversification' to deal with the risk of corporate mismanagement or bankruptcy, or 'investment region or currency diversification' to deal with national economic or political risk, there are cases where it can be useful to let others own part of your assets, or 'ownership diversification', in order to protect your assets from the unpredictable disasters you may encounter in your life. Diversification of ownership" can be an effective way to protect assets from unpredictable disasters that one may encounter in life.
Of course, simply allowing others to own the asset is not enough. It must be ensured that the person to whom the property is transferred holds the property safely and strictly separate and distinct from his or her own assets, and that he or she manages and utilises the property strictly in accordance with a method predetermined by the transferee (e.g. distribution of investment income to beneficiaries). If this obligation (also known as fiduciary duty, duty of loyalty or fiduciary duty) remains unclear, 'decentralisation of ownership' is not only a pipe-dream, but can lead to assets being thrown down the drain.
Diversification of ownership is generally thought of as parents putting property in the name of their children or transferring property to their children during their lifetime. However, it is difficult to ensure strict property division and control among family members, and promises tend to be vague, which often have undesirable consequences.
Establishment of trusts and foundations
In fact, 'decentralisation of ownership' has traditionally been practised in Europe and the USA in order to preserve assets. Accordingly, there is a long-established system of ensuring that transferred property is not misappropriated and is used in accordance with the original intention.
Typical forms are the establishment of trusts and foundations.
Trusts are mainly used in the Anglo-American area of law, while the establishment of foundations is a common practice in continental Europe. In Japan, a 'foundation (corporation)' is defined as being for public interest purposes, which is expensive and extremely cumbersome to obtain approval from the competent authorities to establish. However, overseas, it is not only permitted to establish a company for the purpose of preserving family assets or for inheritance planning, but can also be easily established for a relatively small fee.
Methods commonplace in Europe and the US
Asset protection and management using trusts and foundations is widely used and is rather commonplace in Europe and the USA. The methods are diverse and sophisticated. There are even examples of bankrupt millionaires (and their descendants) who, thanks to trusts, are still living in palatial estates and enjoying a comfortable life afterwards. In multinational companies with huge market capitalisations, such as Ford Motor Company and Wal-Mart, the founding families hold shares in the form of trusts, avoiding the various problems associated with asset succession and still holding voting rights of up to 40%.
Globally, it is said that the number of assets held directly in the name of the individual is rather small.
When setting up trusts and foundations for the purpose of personal asset protection and management, the main choice is to use an overseas provider. If you are seriously considering this, you should first consult a reputable overseas bank or other institution. This is because the trust company will be the party to which the property is transferred, whether nominally or not, and it is safer to consult with a bank or other institution that is familiar with the situation before making a selection. The assets transferred to the trust or foundation will be managed in an account at the bank concerned in a manner that is clear and strictly separate from the property of the founding company itself.
Assets held in a foreign bank in the name of a trust or foundation will be exempt from any risks that one should encounter in the course of one's life, and will be subject to almost pure 'investment risk' only (or maybe not even that, depending on how they are managed). To return to the first parable, the 'egg-holder' no longer has to worry about being cocked.