What is a family office?ファミリ―オフィスとは
In Europe and the USA, it has long been used by the very wealthy as a means of protecting family wealth and passing it on in perpetuity.
In Europe and the USA, it has long been used by the very wealthy as a means of protecting and permanently passing on family wealth. Recently, some high-net-worth individuals in Japan have taken notice of it and there have been cases of it being used in Japan and abroad.
In recent years, some high-net-worth individuals in Japan have taken notice, and there have been a number of cases of family offices being set up both in Japan and abroad.
A family office is a system for managing and operating assets and businesses as a 'family', not only for the inheritance of one generation or for the direct lineage, with the aim of perpetuating the prosperity of the family. It is similar to 'private banking', but is characterised by its original approach to the family as a more developed service. There are various theories as to its origins, but it is said to have started around the 6th century with the management of the assets of European royal families. It was the mission and responsibility of those who took over to ensure that a traditional family would retain its name for a long time - you may have heard of the Rockefellers and Carnegies that emerged in the USA from the 19th century onwards.
Effective management and operation of owned assets is essential for the lasting prosperity of a family. For wealthy individuals who are also business owners, it is necessary to think comprehensively about the assets of the business or legal entity and its future, as well as personal assets. Assets include not only financial assets, but also human, intellectual and financial assets. For this reason, a team of specialists such as tax accountants, chartered accountants and lawyers is formed to implement various perspectives.